Monday, November 3, 2014

I'm Sorry

Two words
Hardest to accept
Hardest to reject
What makes a sorry, sorry
Is it the actions to back it up
Or the memories we have to wrap up
Do we forgive just because it's said
Do we let go of the dread
It's a slippery slope
We go through life trusting people
Sometimes making it to the steeple 
One mistake and flash
A life crash
Can a sorry really mend it all
Some say forgive and forget
Don't fret 
Accept mistakes and move forward
Is it possible?
Can one human truly forgive
With just two words
Your sorry for what?
At the time it's what you wanted
Thinking you wouldn't be caught
The sorry lasts for so long
Till it's all gone
We wait 
Hoping not to be let down
Hoping our face does something other than frown
Reminisce on the good times
Trying to forget this crime 
Hoping one day it will disappear
And your heart won't be in fear 

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