Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My review of 2014

A year can change a lot
Started it off
Moving to a state for a boy
Later to find out I was a toy
A sickness scare
Leaving my gma impaired 
A new start for my passion
Controlled by distractions 
Intertwined in old flames
Ending in repeated heartbreaks
Expanding my knowledge 
Not graduating from college
Becoming my own
Writing songs for the unknown 
Leaving all the jealous humans
Behind In this year of chaos
No grudges entering the new year
But won't put up with you either
A new start
A new path
Enjoying them with the ones that last
Cheers to the ones who changed us
Cheers to the ones who love us 
2014 you were a lesson 
2015 you will greater than the Great Depression 

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