Sunday, October 19, 2014


Drip drop
The sound of my tears hitting the floor
I have not scored
The rawness of my soul
Makes me numb and old
Damaging the heart again
When two lovers are forced friends
I won't stick around to be there for you
I don't owe you my friendship 
Not my loyalty too
I'm sorry
The words I hear to often
The two words that make up for nothing
I love so deep
That I become weak
Hopeless romantic
No longer a semantic 
Nothing makes sense anymore
Like I said I haven't scored

Survey Says

Opposite of love is hate
I hate that I love you
Or I love to hate you
Many people never experience it
Stuck in their own heads 
Beating themselves up with dread
Many think it's comfortable silence 
Some experience loving violence
A recognition of a counterpart
Making us more resilient 
I don't think anyone truly knows 
It's powerful 
You choose wrong your destroyed 
You choose right your complete
Crazy how two people meet
Rawness of the soul is my take
Feeling everything is loving
No matter what we are all loved
Some crave the theaters take 
Others keep the reality fake
One day we will all receive
Everything that we perceive 
So until then it's war 
And we have not scored