Monday, February 6, 2017


What inspired you to destroy your body
They said
You were probably prettier before
They said
I forgive you 
I say
I forgive those comments
Of mindless people day to day
I won't let your words tear me down
I will no longer drown
Of hate and distain
From your naive brains
I love every inch of every decision
Every choice I have ever made
I have risen
Overtime I didn't follow the guidelines
Which makes me feel
Every inch of me is mine
I will never look to someone else for happiness
Doing so
Will leave you cursed and relentless
I continue to be exactly who I am
Every scorn or glare 
I take with no despair 
When I look in the mirror 
I see things clearer
I see me
Not most can be
Who they are meant to be
Society will change and distort your figure
Never to make things clearer
I hope one day 
All the darkness of the world
Will rot away