Monday, June 29, 2015

Dreams come true

The one
I now know what this means
When I close my eyes I don't dream
I've dreamt of you since I was young
You now have consumed my lungs 
Breathing for me so it seems
We've meshed as one
Our souls to keep 
Never thought this blessing would happen
Then you showed me your heaven 
Keeping you always lifted
Growing with you as planets are shifted 
Everyday ive become more addicted
Even after my souls disconnected 

Tuesday, June 16, 2015


When I do things my perspective 
It's like getting off a defibrillator 
Living for another being
Only seeing what their seeing
Doing what best suits me
Waking up and letting be
Some people wonder why
But answers still won't rest the eye
It's something I can't explain
It keeps me out of pain
Passion and distraction 
Go hand in hand
Detecting what's right brings the end
So with this
The Devils kiss
I will enter my own dream 

Sunday, June 7, 2015


I promise 
To keep the monsters away
To never let my eyes stray 
I promise
To pick you up when your down
To always be around
I promise 
To give you my all
My whole self entirely
I promise
To never judge at your worst
To hold and accept when you curse
I promise 
To be there anytime
Rain or shine
I wish I could promise forever
But I don't know how long I'll be alive