Thursday, May 28, 2015


Forever is an empty promise
Something I loath and want to finish
Your smile was everything
Your heart was my destiny
Never thought I would get you out
My brains beginning to stress me out 
Sometimes I wonder if I consume you
Then again you are my two
The connecting source to my happiness 
The everlasting spiritual sacrifice
Keeping away the monsters that lurk
Always with a lovable smirk
Making these feelings last
Let's hope we won't die out

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


There's really no time to waste
Trying to beat father time
Succeeding before the reapers crime
Distractions good or bad
Veer you off the chosen path
Staying focused to win the race
Trying to go at a steady pace
Decisions decisions 
Can't choose one
Reflecting on life with a loaded gun
Wondering when you will make that leap
Conquering everything you weep
Succeeding in life isn't the toughest
It's getting through life without those crutches 
Letting go of unnecessary things
People, places, things 
At the end of the race
You won't see a familiar face 
Majority took a fall

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Another one bites the dust
Man that was tough
Feeling used
Emotionally abused
I really thought i was wrong
I thought you had depth
I lept
Thinking you were consumed
Really it was your doom
Do I not seem good enough
Am I not crazy enough
Like you said
The attachment wasn't there
Hard to hear such harsh words
Then I remember what I deserve
Its nice to know it wasn't me
But hard to think i invested so much in thee
I hope that you find the one your looking for
Just don't make them feel like your whore
It was a bump in the road
Now it is finally closed

Friday, May 1, 2015


We want to be like the girls in the magazines
We are told that whats perfect is perfect
What isn't is shameful
Boys become picky
Their taste is disgraceful
The character of a woman
Is defined by her size
So instead of eating
We weigh and measure our waist line
Flawless skin
Doesn't mean a win
Don't you remember when you thought of yourself as a ten
Until you met that human that disrupted your zen
The ones so consumed by gluttony
Creating the most enemies
Cooped up inside in their own demise
Departing from their heart
To make you seem like distasteful art
You become so concerned of your outer appearance
Craving that constant reassurance
No wonder the disorders start so young
Media peers and men
Finally won