Sunday, July 19, 2015


I feel like a part of me has died
It's a weird feeling 
Something I didn't think existed
Have you ever looked at a rose
Right as it bloomed
It's flourishing with colors and smells
Then it dies 
It's still pretty but there is something missing
It's darker
That's how I feel
Why can't things flourish forever
Realizing never say never
That isn't how my story ends
I was the rose that died 
There is no changing what is done 
I'll stay in a blanket
Waiting till my heart can't take it
Then I'll go outside
Take a deep breath
Release this stress
Hopefully having the light come inside

I've lost you

To mourn
No matter what you're mourning
Feel it
Feel the depths in your bones
Do not let this feeling pass
Until you have felt every inch
It may be brutal
You'll survive 
We were created to withstand emotion 
When times are tough
We need to go inside and connect
Recharge with our beating heart
Feel the cold pains
The hot shakes 
Experiencing every black hole 
Till it becomes light
Then the light will show
And you will look in the mirror
Seeing your internal glow
It's very important not to lose yourself
Because that's destruction 
And you're to intricate to be constructed

Monday, July 13, 2015


I feel suffocated
Like my life is your goal 
I fuckin hate it
Jealousy is your misery
It keeps affecting me
I want to tell you
I want to move on
I just know the conversation won't be fun
I've never felt the respect back
You've always been a little wack
Sometimes I wanna hide and smoke
Till it chokes these thoughts out my throat
Laying everything out 
So you can be the one to pout
Over this constant vibe you give
Let me just  live
I know you won't till your happy
But please stop making me feel crappy

Wednesday, July 1, 2015


People have spoken
Shared their own thoughts
On the life I'm livin
My question remains
How does my life 
Affect you in some way
It's funny to me
When I hear what they say
That I've changed or I'm weird
How would you know I disappeared 
I don't talk trash on your life goals
I never show my face in your world
Bringing me up in your convos 
You do you 
I'm doing fine thanks tho
I grew up and found who I was 
I'd recommend doing the same
Talk about your life and this age 
But maybe you peaked 
And the past were your days 
I honestly have sympathy
For those who have internal misery
Nothing to share than another's choices
But all you hear are worthless voices 
You're no better than what you speak
Make sure it's not trash 
Or else you will reek

I'm not listening

I now wonder
If I was six feet under
Would they still have hunger
To point out
What I'm all about
To continuously speak
Of some negative repeats
Someone grab a knife
So I can cut open
All the worthless veins 
Of these lying cheating hoes 
Who say my name
I don't talk about you
So worry about what you're up top
I'll talk to you about surface level 
Hoping I won't hear you talk over this treble