Saturday, July 5, 2014

Wake up

Why do girls I know
Let these boys destroy their soul
Don't they get they'll never change
It's like running in a firing range
You know you'll get shot
But you think one might dodge your spot
The end is always the same
These boys will never change
It only hurts the more you go back 
It's only just another attack
Your always the problem 
It's always your fault 
They are the wound and you are the salt 
It's so unhealthy but you crave the feeling 
You know it's bad but you can't help the stealing 
People witnessing your return
But your not even concerned
We listen to your constant struggle
We can't help your trouble
Your cries are repetitive 
Your relationships are so negative 
People will get over your complaints
Showing you constraint
You are so brilliant
But you look like an idiot
So until then have fun
Because your sanity is surely done 

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