Friday, January 16, 2015

Your mind our own ocean

A human 
Such a fragile yet destructive thing
Put on earth to rediscover life 
Yet we don't know why we are life
Everyday poses a new question
We don't know 
That's the most beautiful yet fearful thing any of us encounter 
Humans want to figure everything out
But we can't even figure out ourselves 
How can these questions be justified
All individual thinkers 
Not knowing what someone else sees 
Relying on facts and a human word
We think we are known but everyday we are faced with new obstacles and new things we don't know or can't answer 
We rely on religion or science to give us answers when the people who created these answers don't even know the subconscious of their own self 
Not knowing is the most beautiful thing 
Even when we know we really don't know 

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