Sunday, October 11, 2015

Dark art

Why must I be so difficult 
Why is there a battle going on 
I can't win
I can't lose
I'm only playing against myself
A part of me is happy
A part of me is sad
When will I distinguish 
The good from the bad
I can't seem to see 
When the glass is half full
The emptiness of the glass
Consumes my skull
I don't get why I battle myself
I'm better than the self destruction
Healthier than the dose of depression 
I'm happy for the most part
But then the darkness comes
It takes on a shadow of beautiful art
The emotions pile on me 
Like oil paints smearing the canvas
But after awhile they all blend
Leaving a dark canvas to tend 
I'm too close now I start to suffer 
I'm pulling you down with me 
When will this battle stop
Because a little while longer 
I won't be sane enough 

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