Friday, January 11, 2019

Spider Bite

Forever I know this feeling
The feeling of loneliness
Uncontrollable emptiness
No matter how much love I feel
Inside is still a cobweb of misery
Is that what a spiders bite feels like?
The poison of lies and despair
Are you my black widow in human form
Can you unravel me from your current web
Your darkness is too familiar
It helps me dig deep inside my darkest corners
The depth of your breath
The excitement of your grip
Will the lights turn out themselves
As the candle drips its last bit of wax
Our flame soon burning out
Matching black nails
Disaster in our fairy tale
No wonder I can't seem to get to sleep
I am not sleeping beauty
My prince isn't showing up
My face turns blue
My bruises are black
Your beating heart fades
The rhythm of our existence
Falling deep into this pit of darkness
Closed in my coffin
Buried 6 feet under
My peace 
My love
My bliss
Holding our last vow

Do not disturb this poisonous kiss

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