Friday, September 23, 2016

Dark Heart

You stabbed me
Straight in the heart
The bloody residue
All over the walls
I stand there and stare 
Looking in the mirror
Wondering if that hole is really there
The red pulsing organ 
Moving and flailing on the ground below
The blood pouring out the vessels
Looks so much like snow
Never have I wondered 
If the feeling is true
Its hard to catch my breath
Not because of you
I still can't believe 
My vulnerability 
The way my body opened up to you
Armor off
All brand new
What happened with that
The feelings took over
But then just like that
The blade went straight in
Clean incision 
The cardiologist's are proud
Another example of love gone bad
Now another heart to examine
Be passed around
The massacre just happened
Why is it that I feel this tragedy
But I can still stand above it
Looking down 
Watching my own heart beat
Without any emotion
I feel nothing 
In the sense of a heart
The place it existed
Just went dark

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